One-Person Business Plan for a Solopreneur in Online Educational Content Creation

Robert Truesdale
3 min readMay 10, 2024

Identifying and Engaging Your Target Audience on Social Media

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

One-Person Business Plan for a Solopreneur in Online Educational Content Creation

As an expert business consultant, I recommend adopting a structured, step-by-step approach to your business plan, tailored to your unique position as a solopreneur starting from scratch.

Here’s a detailed action plan based on the Lean Startup Method, focusing initially on audience building and product development.

Leave me a comment if you would like some help building out your very first Educational Email Course.

Step 1: Define Your Value Proposition

**Objective:** Clearly articulate what makes your educational content unique and valuable.

1. **Identify Pain Points**: Think about the specific challenges solopreneurs in your network (or online communities you’re part of) are facing that you are uniquely qualified to solve.

2. **Craft Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)**: Combine your personal expertise and the identified pain points to formulate a USP. For example…



Robert Truesdale

I craft impactful email courses for digital creators, seamlessly blending creativity with strategic business insights. Visit website